Aura Network x Monsterra: Igniting the Web3 Gaming Revolution

Aura Network is excited to announce a major leap toward mass adoption of NFTs through our strategic partnership with Monsterra, a multi-chain Play-to-Earn (P2E) gaming space leader.

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In a dynamic era where Web3 technology is constantly evolving, Aura Network has made a significant stride forward by expanding into GameFi with Monsterra, the first Web3 game built on the Aura chain. This expansion underlines the continuous expansion of the Aura Network ecosystem.

By integrating a leading P2E game into our ecosystem, which already includes the dynamic NFT marketplace SeekHYPE and the innovative DEX HaloTrade, we're creating an unmatched platform to grow the mainstream adoption of NFTs.

The Aura Chain Evolution

As a trailblazer in the Web3 sphere, Aura Network has always aimed to remain at the forefront of the industry's latest advancements. Monsterra’s integration marks our groundbreaking entry into the realm of Web3 games, reinforcing our commitment to facilitating a vibrant ecosystem for NFTs.

Monsterra is a groundbreaking multi-chain game running on BNB, Avalanche, and OKX networks. This game blends elements of popular games like Clash of Clans, and Boom Beach, within an innovative free-to-play and free-to-earn model. This venture has rapidly gained traction, amassing over 400,000 players to date, a testament to its appeal and the potential of GameFi.

Joining forces with such a well-known partner, we’re adding a valuable asset to our ecosystem, creating a supportive environment for Web3 gaming.

Monsterra: An Exceptional Integration to Aura Network

Monsterra's exceptional features make it the perfect Aura Network ecosystem integration. Their commitment to barrier-free gaming allows players to enter their expansive universe without any initial investment.

Further, Monsterra's focus on offering a play-for-fun experience and a balanced gaming mechanism aligns with Aura Network's aim to cultivate a captivating, equitable, and sustainable gaming experience. Their innovative approach to developing addictive gameplay and a sustainable dual-token module with multi-usages across the diverse ecosystem of 9 components enables a seamless experience in the gaming world.

It is perfectly aligned with Aura Network's user-centric philosophy.

The Future of Aura Network

This partnership symbolizes Aura Network's commitment to becoming Vietnam's leading blockchain for Web3 games. Harnessing Monsterra's gaming model, we will strengthen our platform's offerings and establish ourselves in the blockchain industry.

Aura Network's partnership with Monsterra is more than an alliance between two entities. It's an ambitious stride towards a future where blockchain, NFTs, and P2E games are integral to mainstream culture. It marks the beginning of an era where Aura Network leads the Web3 gaming revolution in Vietnam and beyond, pioneering a future where everyone has access to the transformative power of blockchain.

This partnership is just the start of our journey. Together with Monsterra, we're poised to push boundaries, drive innovation, and lead the blockchain revolution. The future is here, and Aura Network illuminates it. We invite you to be part of this exciting journey into the new era of Web3 games.

About Monsterra

Monsterra NFT Game is a leading multi-chain NFT Game with free-to-play-and-earn mechanism developed by CrescentShine Studio, offering gamers an unparalleled and immersive gaming experience. The game has garnered immense popularity and has achieved a record-breaking milestone of 100,000 downloads within just one month of its launch.

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About Aura Network

Aura Network is an ecosystem built to accelerate global NFTs adoption. Aura Network focuses on building the Internet of NFTs and bringing NFT and web3 to the masses.

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