Aura Network and Kaia Jointly Foster Programmable IP Growth in Blockchain Ecosystem

Aura Network is thrilled to announce our new partnership with Kaia, marking a significant milestone in advancing Programmable IP within the blockchain ecosystem.

Aura Network excitedly announces collaboration with Kaia, a high-performance public blockchain that simplifies Web3 for all. This pivotal milestone marks a crucial step in Aura's evolution towards advancing Programmable IP within the blockchain ecosystem.

Kaia: Making Blockchain Accessible

Kaia is a high-performance public blockchain designed to make Web3 accessible and straightforward for everyone, including users, builders, investors, enterprises, and more. This robust blockchain was created through the merger of the Klaytn and Finschia blockchains, which were initially developed by technology giants Kakao and LINE, respectively. As a result, Kaia has emerged as Asia’s largest Web3 ecosystem, with an impressive portfolio of over 420 decentralized applications (DApps) and a potential user base exceeding 250 million people.

This expansive ecosystem empowers users to experience the advantages of Web3 with the familiar ease and speed of Web2. It fosters an environment where individuals and organizations can seamlessly connect, create, collaborate, and contribute. By integrating such a large and diverse user base, Kaia facilitates innovative opportunities for interaction and development within the Web3 space, making advanced blockchain technology more approachable and beneficial for a broader audience.

Aura Network and Kaia: Synergy for IP Innovation

Our partnership with Kaia represents a synergistic effort to explore and expand Programmable IP growth across both ecosystems. Together, Aura Network and Kaia will unlock the potential of IP on the blockchain, leveraging innovative applications to create a dynamic and robust platform for IP development and management.

Joining Hands with PunkgaMe to Empower Manga Artists

As part of this collaboration, Kaia is joining forces with PunkgaMe, a trailblazing Manga IP producer within the Aura Network ecosystem. PunkgaMe leverages blockchain technology and programmable IP to empower manga artists, providing them with innovative tools to monetize their works effectively.

Our first joint initiative is an exciting manga contest themed around "Kaia Island." This competition will provide a professional and valuable platform for talented artists to showcase their skills, gain recognition, and contribute to a thriving community of quality manga creators. By bringing together artists, readers, and IP exploitation, we are creating a sustainable value chain that benefits all stakeholders. It provides artists the opportunity to enter the international playground.

This partnership marks the beginning of a new era for Programmable IP, and we are eager to see the innovative and creative outcomes that will emerge from our joint efforts with Kaia and PunkgaMe.

About Kaia

Kaia is a high performance public blockchain that simplifies Web3 for users, builders, investors, enterprises, and everyone in-between. Formed through the merger of the Klaytn and Finschia blockchains that were initially developed by Kakao and LINE respectively, Kaia is Asia’s largest Web3 ecosystem, with over 420 DApps and over 250 million potential users - all of whom can experience Web3 with the ease and speed of Web2 to connect, create, collaborate, and contribute to the ecosystem.

About Aura Network

Aura Network is a pioneering abstraction layer for Real World Assets (RWA) featuring built-in modularity. Constructed with the Cosmos SDK, it incorporates dual-processing smart contract engines: EVM and CosmWasm. It offers native account abstraction and is designed to support mass adoption use cases, particularly in emerging markets.

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About PunkgaMe

PunkgaMe is a Manga IP producer that leverages blockchain and programmable IP to empower manga artists. We assist artists publish and monetize their intellectual property (IP) while exploring opportunities with NFTs. With a community of 400+ indie artists and 100+ manga titles on our platform, we aim to create a professional and valuable manga IP community for passionate manga enthusiasts.

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