Aura Network and the Republic of Sierra Leone sign cooperation agreement on blockchain application and digital economy promotion

On June 12, 2024, Aura Network and Sierra Leone signed a cooperation agreement to apply blockchain technology and promote the digital economy.

June 12, 2024 – Aura Network and the Republic of Sierra Leone have signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement to apply Blockchain technology and promote the digital economy. This partnership not only opens up opportunities for both parties to leverage Blockchain technology for national economic and social development but also underscores Aura Network's standing in the global technology arena.

The agreement, signed in Sierra Leone, marks Aura Network's first official partnership with an African nation to drive the application of Blockchain technology and digital transformation.

Under this agreement, Aura Network will collaborate with the Government of Sierra Leone to introduce and integrate Blockchain technology across key sectors such as finance, supply chain management, public services, and education. Additionally, Aura Network will support the enhancement of Sierra Leone’s digital infrastructure through Blockchain, stimulating economic growth and development. The partnership aims to foster financial inclusion by providing access to financial services for the unbanked and under-resourced population of Sierra Leone through decentralized financial solutions.

Aura Network’s comprehensive socio-economic cooperation strategy focuses on promoting Blockchain technology, with the aspiration to transform Sierra Leone into a stable, technology-driven developing country. This initiative will also pave the way for further cooperation with other nations in the African region.

Speaking about the cooperation agreement, Aura Network CEO Tran Hoang Giang stated: "Focusing on the development and application of Blockchain technology in key areas is a strategic move for the Government of Sierra Leone, aiding the country’s rapid development in the current market economy. This national cooperation agreement highlights Aura Network's capabilities and positions us firmly on the global technology map, reinforcing our goal of fostering blockchain mass adoption to emerging markets."

As a pioneering technology company dedicated to the popularization of Blockchain through practical applications in Real World Assets and Intellectual Property, the global cooperation agreement between the Republic of Sierra Leone and Aura Network not only unlocks new opportunities for both parties but also marks a significant step in realizing Aura Network's vision of harnessing blockchain to transform the world.

About Aura Network

Aura Network is a pioneering abstraction layer for Real World Assets (RWA) featuring built-in modularity. Constructed with the Cosmos SDK, it incorporates dual-processing smart contract engines: EVM and CosmWasm. It offers native account abstraction and is designed to support mass adoption use cases, particularly in emerging markets.

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